Freeze Row Microsoft Excel Mac

  1. Freeze Row Microsoft Excel Mac Download
  2. Freeze Row Microsoft Excel Mac Support

Freeze the top row and the first column. To freeze the top row and the first column at the same time, click cell B2. Then, on the View tab, click Freeze Panes. Freeze as many rows or columns as you want. Want to freeze multiple rows and/or columns? You can freeze as many as you want, as long as you always start with the top row and the first column. When you freeze panes, Microsoft Excel keeps specific rows or columns visible when you scroll in the worksheet. For example, if the first row in your spreadsheet contains headers, you might freeze that row to make sure that the column headers remain visible as you scroll down in your spreadsheet. You can freeze as many as you want, as long as you always start with the top row and the first column. To freeze multiple rows (starting with row 1), select the row below the last row you want frozen and click Freeze Panes. To freeze multiple columns, select the column to the right of the last column you want frozen and click Freeze Panes. Mar 11, 2011  Arial Renaud teaches you how to Freeze Row's and Column's in Excel 2008 for the Mac. Arial Renaud teaches you how to Freeze Row's and Column's in Excel 2008 for the Mac.

  1. Freeze the top row. On the View tab, click Freeze Top Row. When you do this, the border under row 1 is a little darker than other borders. Freeze the first column. Freeze the top row and the first column. Freeze as many rows or columns as you want. Unfreeze rows or columns.
  2. To freeze the top row, open your Excel spreadsheet. Select the Layout tab from the toolbar at the top of the screen. Click on the Freeze Panes button and click on the Freeze Top Row option in the popup menu. Now when you scroll down, you should still continue to see the column headings.
  3. On a Mac go to the Window menu and then select freeze pane. On a PC, you’ll go to the View menu. One nice time saver on the PC version is it has the option on the View / Freeze Pane menu to freeze the first row and/or the first column.

The Freeze Panes command in Excel 2007 enables you to freeze portions of a worksheet, typically column and row headings, so that you can view distant parts of the worksheet while the headings remain in place. Freezing panes only affects the current worksheet. If you want to freeze other worksheets, you must select them individually and freeze them.

Follow these steps to freeze panes in a worksheet:

  1. Position the cell cursor based on what you want to freeze:

    • Columns: Select the column to the right of the columns you want to freeze. For example, click column B to freeze only column A.

    • Rows: Select the row below the rows you want to freeze. For example, click row 4 to freeze rows 1, 2, and 3.

    • Columns and rows: Click the cell below the rows and to the right of the columns you want to freeze — essentially, the first cell that isn’t frozen. For example, click cell B2 to freeze both column A and row 1.

      Cells above and to the left of the current cell will be frozen.
  2. In the Window group of the View tab, choose Freeze Panes→Freeze Panes.

    A thin black line separates the sections. As you scroll down and to the right, notice that the columns above and rows to the left of the cell cursor remain fixed.

    Normally when you press Ctrl+Home, Excel takes you to cell A1. However, when Freeze Panes is active, pressing Ctrl+Home takes you to the cell just below and to the right of the column headings. You can still use your arrow keys or click your mouse to access any cell.

  3. In the Window group of the View tab, choose Freeze Panes→Unfreeze Panes to unlock the fixed rows and columns.

You can click the Freeze Top Row or Freeze First Column command in the Freeze Panes drop-down menu to freeze just the top row or first column in the worksheet, without regard to the position of the cell cursor in the worksheet.

Panes are great for viewing different parts of the same Excel 2016 worksheet that normally can’t be seen together. You can also use panes to freeze headings in the top rows and first columns so that the headings stay in view at all times, no matter how you scroll through the worksheet.

Frozen headings are especially helpful when you work with a table that contains information that extends beyond the rows and columns shown onscreen.

In the following figure, you can see just such a table. The Income Analysis worksheet contains more rows and columns than you can see at one time (unless you decrease the magnification to about 40% with Zoom, which makes the data too small to read). In fact, this worksheet continues down to row 52 and over to column P.

Frozen panes keep the column headings and the row headings on the screen at all times.

By dividing the worksheet into four panes between rows 2 and 3 and columns A and B and then freezing them on the screen, you can keep the column headings in row 2 that identify each column of information on the screen while you scroll the worksheet up and down to review information on income and expenses. Additionally, you can keep the row headings in column A on the screen while you scroll the worksheet to the right.

Refer to the figure to see the worksheet right after splitting the window into four panes and freezing them. To create and freeze these panes, follow these steps:

  1. Position the cell cursor in cell B3.

  2. Click View →Freeze Panes on the Ribbon and then click Freeze Panes on the drop-down menu or press Alt+WFF.

  3. In this example, Excel freezes the top and left pane above row 3 and left of column B.

When Excel sets up the frozen panes, the borders of frozen panes are represented by a single line rather than the thin gray bar, as is the case when simply splitting the worksheet into panes.

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See what happens when you scroll the worksheet up after freezing the panes (shown in the following figure). In this figure, the worksheet has been scrolled up so that rows 33 through 52 of the table appear under rows 1 and 2. Because the vertical pane with the worksheet title and column headings is frozen, it remains onscreen. (Normally, rows 1 and 2 would have been the first to disappear when you scroll the worksheet up.)

The Income Analysis worksheet after scrolling the rows up to display additional income and expense data.

Look to the following figure to see what happens when you scroll the worksheet to the right. In this figure, I the worksheet is scrolled right so that the data in columns M through P appear after the data in column A. Because the first column is frozen, it remains onscreen, helping you identify the various categories of income and expenses for each month.

The Income Analysis worksheet after scrolling the columns left to display the last group of columns in this table.

Freeze Row Microsoft Excel Mac Download

Click Freeze Top Row or Freeze First Column on the Freeze Panes button’s drop-down menu to freeze the column headings in the top row of the worksheet or the row headings in the first column of the worksheet, regardless of where the cell cursor is located in the worksheet.

Freeze Row Microsoft Excel Mac Support

To unfreeze the panes in a worksheet, click View→Freeze Panes on the Ribbon and then click Unfreeze Panes on the Freeze Panes button’s drop-down menu or press Alt+WFF. Choosing this option removes the panes, indicating that Excel has unfrozen them.