Microsoft Save As Shortcut Mac


Some Windows keyboard shortcuts conflict with the corresponding default Mac OS keyboard shortcuts. This topic flags such shortcuts with an asterisk (. ). To use these shortcuts, you may have to change your Mac keyboard settings to change the Show Desktop shortcut for the key. Change system preferences for keyboard shortcuts with the mouse. Nov 13, 2018 “Save As” used to be a default option in the Mac OS “File” menu but now it’s hidden by default. Not to worry, with a simple keyboard app shortcut you can regain the uber convenient “Save As” option in the File menu along with the Command + Shift + S keystroke combo, just like what many longtime Mac users are accustomed to using. If you use Microsoft Office 365, Excel automatically saves your work when you choose to save files to your OneDrive cloud storage account. When your files are saved to OneDrive, documents are automatically saved every few seconds, eliminating the need for.

For information about keyboard accessibility, see How to: Use Keyboard Navigation.

You can access a variety of commands in Visual Studio for Mac by using the appropriate keyboard shortcut. This document lists the default shortcuts for the Visual Studio for Mac key binding scheme. For more information about how to change the key binding scheme, see Customizing the IDE. You can also customize shortcuts for a command using the Visual Studio for Mac > Preferences menu item and choosing Environment > Key Bindings in the Preferences window.


The keyboard shortcuts displayed in this document, and the key binding preferences in Visual Studio for Mac, are presented using the symbols commonly used in macOS. If you are unsure of a symbol, review the macOS key symbols loopkup table.

Downloadable quick ref pdfs

Microsoft Save As Shortcut Mac

We have compiled the most used, and most useful, keyboard shortcuts into a downloadable pdf file. We have two versions,one that shows shortcuts for Visual Studio for Mac, and a version that shows Visual Studio shorts side-by-side for usersthat have prior experience with Visual Studio when using Windows.

Code Navigation

CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Find References⇧⌘R, F12
Go to Declaration⌘D, F12
Next Error⌥⇧⇟, ⇧⌘F12
Next Issue in File⌥⇟
Previous Error⌥⇧⇞
Previous Issue in File⌥⇞


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Enable or Disable Breakpoint⌥⌘/, ⌘F9
Pause⌥⌘P, ⌥⌘L5
Remove All Breakpoints⇧⌘F9
Run To Cursor⌘F10
Set Next Statement⇧⌘F10
Show Next Statement⌥*
Step Into⇧⌘I, ⌘F11
Step Out⇧⌘U, ⇧⌘F11
Step Over⇧⌘O, F10
Toggle Breakpoint, F9
View Breakpoints⌥⌘B


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Switch between related files⌃⌘↑


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Constraint Editing Mode⌘E
Format Document⌃I
Indent Selection⌘]
Rename⌘R, F2
Select All⌘A
Show Code Generation⌘I
Toggle All Folds⌥⇧⌘↑
Toggle Definitions⌥⇧⌘↓
Toggle Fold⌥⇧⌘←
Toggle Line Comment(s)⌘/
Unindent Selection⌘[
Update Frame from Constraints⇧⌘R

Excel Save Shortcut

F# Integration

CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Clear F# Interactive⌃⌥C
F# Interactive⌃⌥F
Restart F# Interactive⌃⌥R
Send line to F# Interactive⌃⌥L
Send references to F# Interactive⌃⌥P
Send selection to F# Interactive⌃⏎
Microsoft save as shortcut mac keyboard


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Close All⇧⌘W
Close File⌘W
Close Workspace⌥⌘W
New File⌘N
New Solution⇧⌘N
Save All⇧⌘S


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
API Documentation⌥⌘?
Unity API Reference⌘'


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Implement Unity Messages⇧⌘M


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Add Files⌥⌘A
Build⌘K, ⇧F6
Build All⌘B, F6
Rebuild All⌃⌘B
Start Debugging⌘⏎, F5
Start Without Debugging⌥⌘⏎, ⌃F5
Stop⇧⌘⏎, ⇧F5


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Import Symbol⌃⌥␣
Quick Fix⌥⏎


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Find in Files⇧⌘F
Find Next⌘G, F3
Find Next Like Selection⌘E, ⌘F3
Find Previous⇧⌘G, ⇧F3
Find Previous Like Selection⇧⌘F3
Go to File⇧⌘D
Go to Line⌘L
Go to Type⇧⌘T
Navigate To⌘.
Replace in Files⌥⇧⌘F

Text Editor

CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Complete Word⌃␣
Delete left character⌃H
Delete next subword⌃⌦
Delete next word⌥⌦
Delete previous subword⌃⌫
Delete previous word⌥⌫
Delete right character⌃D
Delete to end of line⌃K
Dynamic abbrev⌃/
Expand selection⌥⇧↓
Expand selection⌥⇧↑
Expand selection to document end⇧⌘↓, ⇧⌘↘
Expand selection to document start⇧⌘↑, ⇧⌘↖
Expand selection to line end⇧↘, ⇧⌘→
Expand selection to line start⇧↖, ⇧⌘←
Expand selection to next line⇧↓
Expand selection to next word⌥⇧→
Expand selection to page down⇧⇟
Expand selection to page up⇧⇞
Expand selection to previous line⇧↑
Expand selection to previous word⌥⇧←
Expand selection to the left⇧←
Expand selection to the right⇧→
Find caret
Go left one character⌃B
Go right one character⌃F
Go to beginning of document⌘↑
Go to beginning of line⌘←, ⌃A
Go to end of document⌘↓
Go to end of line⌘→, ⌃E
Go to Matching Brace⇧⌘
Go to next line⌃N
Go to next word⌥→
Go to previous line⌃P
Go to previous word⌥←
Insert line break after the caret⌃O
Move caret to EOL and insert new line⇧⏎
Move the line or highlighted selection down⌥↓
Move the line or highlighted selection up⌥↑
Move to next usage⌃⌥⌘↓
Move to prev usage⌃⌥⌘↑
Show Parameter List⌃⇧␣
Show quick info⌘F1
Show Scopes⌥⇧⌘P
Transpose characters⌃T
Wrap with <div>⌥⇧W


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Center and Focus Document⌃L
Focus DocumentF7
Full Screen⌃⌘F
Move to Next Notebook⌥⌘→
Move to Previous Notebook⌥⌘←
Navigate Back⌃⌘←
Navigate Forward⌃⌘→
Normal Size⌘0
One Editor Column⌥⌘1
Show Next⌥⌘↓, F8
Show Previous⌥⌘↑, ⇧F8
Two Editor Columns⌥⌘2
Zoom In⌘+, ⌘=
Zoom Out⌘-, ⌘_


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Activate 1⌘1
Activate 2⌘2
Activate 3⌘3
Activate 4⌘4
Activate 5⌘5
Activate 6⌘6
Activate 7⌘7
Activate 8⌘8
Activate 9⌘9
Hide Others⌥⌘H
Hide Visual Studio⌘H
Next Document⌘}, ⌘F6
Previous Document⌘{, ⇧⌘F6
Switch to next document⌃⇥
Switch to next pad⌃⌥⇥
Switch to previous document⌃⇧⇥
Switch to previous pad⌃⌥⇧⇥

macOS key symbols lookup

Command (cmd)
Option (alt)
Control (ctrl)
Page Up (Pg Up)
Page Down (Pg Dn)
Delete (Backspace)
Forward Delete
←→↑↓Arrow Keys
Space Bar

See also

Cannot remove microsoft 2011 from mac. Below is a listing of the more commonly used shortcut keys in Microsoft Word. See the computer shortcuts page if you are looking for a list of shortcut keys used in other programs. Please be aware that some of these shortcuts may not work in all versions of Microsoft Word.


Microsoft Save As Shortcut Keys

If the device you are using does not have function keys (F1-F12) on its keyboard, like a Chromebook, certain shortcuts will be unavailable to you.

Save As Shortcut Key Word


Microsoft Save As Shortcut Mac Word

Some of the Microsoft Word shortcut keys below may not work in Word 365.

Mar 06, 2017  Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 Service Pack 1 (14.1.0): You can download this update for free from the Microsoft Web Site. Note To verify that you have installed this update, you can open any Microsoft Office 2011 application to check the version number. For example, open Word, and then on the Word menu, click About Word. Apr 12, 2011  In the Office 2011 SP1 Update (14.1.0) volume window, double-click the Office 2011 SP1 Update (14.1.0) application to start the update process, and then follow the instructions on the screen. If the installation finishes successfully, you can remove the update installer from your hard disk. Apr 12, 2011  The Office for Mac 2011 14.1 Update is also available from Microsoft AutoUpdate. AutoUpdate is a program that automatically keeps Microsoft software up-to-date. To use AutoUpdate, start a Microsoft Office program. Then, on the Help menu, click Check for Updates. Microsoft office 2011 for mac update 14.1.0. Nov 09, 2010  Before you install the Office 2011 14.0.1 Update, make sure that the computer is running Mac OS X v10.5.8 or a later version of the Mac OS X operating system. To verify that the computer meets this prerequisite, click About This Mac on the Apple menu. Mar 25, 2018  Can't get the Mac:Office 2011 14.1.0 update to download! I am trying to update from Version 14.0.0 to 14.1.0 and upward. The Microsoft AutoUpdate bars go all there way across but fails to install the update and a message pops up that says: 'One or more update packages could not be downloaded. Please try again.

Ctrl+0Toggles 6pts of spacing above the paragraph.
Ctrl+ASelect all contents of the page.
Ctrl+BBold highlighted selection.
Ctrl+CCopy selected text.
Ctrl+DOpen the font preferences window.
Ctrl+EAligns the line or selected text to the center of the screen.
Ctrl+FOpen find box.
Ctrl+IItalic highlighted selection.
Ctrl+JAligns the selected text or line to justify the screen.
Ctrl+KInsert a hyperlink.
Ctrl+LAligns the line or selected text to the left of the screen.
Ctrl+MIndent the paragraph.
Ctrl+NOpens new, blank document window.
Ctrl+OOpens the dialog box or page for selecting a file to open.
Ctrl+POpen the print window.
Ctrl+RAligns the line or selected text to the right of the screen.
Ctrl+SSave the open document. Like Shift+F12.
Alt+F, ASave the document under a different file name.
Alt+XShow the Unicode code of a highlighted character.
Ctrl+TCreate a hanging indent.
Ctrl+UUnderline the selected text.
Ctrl+WClose the currently open document.
Ctrl+XCut selected text.
Ctrl+YRedo the last action performed.
Ctrl+ZUndo last action.
Ctrl+Shift+LQuickly create a bullet point.
Ctrl+Shift+FChange the font.
Ctrl+Shift+>Increase selected font +1pts up to 12pt and then increase font +2pts.
Ctrl+]Increase selected font +1pts.
Ctrl+Shift+<Decrease selected font -1pts if 12pt or lower; if above 12, decreases font by +2pt.
Ctrl+[Decrease selected font -1pts.
Ctrl+/+cInsert a cent sign (¢).
Ctrl+'+<char>Insert a character with an accent (acute) mark, where <char> is the character you want. For example, if you wanted an accented é you would use Ctrl+'+e as your shortcut key. To reverse the accent mark, use the opposite accent mark, often found on the tilde key.
Ctrl+Shift+*View or hide non printing characters.
Ctrl+<left arrow>Moves one word to the left.
Ctrl+<right arrow>Moves one word to the right.
Ctrl+<up arrow>Moves to the beginning of the line or paragraph.
Ctrl+<down arrow>Moves to the end of the paragraph.
Ctrl+DelDeletes word to right of cursor.
Ctrl+BackspaceDeletes word to left of cursor.
Ctrl+EndMoves the cursor to the end of the document.
Ctrl+HomeMoves the cursor to the beginning of the document.
Ctrl+SpacebarReset highlighted text to the default font.
Ctrl+1Single-space lines.
Ctrl+2Double-space lines.
Ctrl+51.5-line spacing.
Ctrl+Alt+1Changes text to heading 1.
Ctrl+Alt+2Changes text to heading 2.
Ctrl+Alt+3Changes text to heading 3.
Alt+Ctrl+F2Open new document.
Ctrl+F1Open the Task Pane.
Ctrl+F2Display the print preview.
Ctrl+Shift+>Increases the selected text size by one font size.
Ctrl+Shift+<Decreases the selected text size by one font size.
Ctrl+Shift+F6Switches to another open Microsoft Word document.
Ctrl+Shift+F12Prints the document.
F1Open help.
F4Repeat the last action performed (Word 2000+).
F5Open the Find, Replace, and Go To window in Microsoft Word.
F7Spellcheck and grammar check selected text or document.
F12Save As.
Shift+F3Change the text in Microsoft Word from uppercase to lowercase or a capital letter at the beginning of every word.
Shift+F7Runs a Thesaurus check on the selected word.
Shift+F12Save the open document. Like Ctrl+S.
Shift+EnterCreate a soft break instead of a new paragraph.
Shift+Alt+DInsert the current date.
Shift+Alt+TInsert the current time.

You can also utilize the mouse to perform some common actions. The following section contains examples of mouse shortcuts.

Mouse shortcutsDescription
Click, hold, and dragSelects text from where you click and hold to the point you drag and let go.
Double-clickIf double-clicking a word, selects the complete word.
Double-clickDouble-clicking on the left, center, or right of a blank line makes the alignment of the text left, center, or right aligned.
Double-clickDouble-clicking anywhere after text on a line will set a tab stop.
Triple-clickSelects the line or paragraph of the text where the mouse is triple-clicked.
Ctrl+Mouse wheelZooms in and out of document.

Save As Shortcut Mac Word

Additional information