Directx In Microsoft Vs Mac

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  2. Directx In Microsoft Vs Mac Pro
Directx In Microsoft Vs Mac-->

While DirectX is ubiquitous on the PC platform, especially for games, Microsoft has never converted the technology to work on the Mac. MacDX isn't going to appear on your Mac as a piece of software.

This content focuses on using DirectX in a Win32 application. For information on using DirectX in a UWP application, see the Windows 10 game development guide (UWP).

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Directx in microsoft vs mac pro

Jun 26, 2015  CodeWeavers is bringing DirectX 11 to Linux Wine already supports DirectX 9 very well, but many new games no longer support DirectX 9 and rely on newer versions of Microsoft. Sep 22, 2015  Wine has its own directX implementation. Installing MS DirectX is not a good idea ad can actually break things or make things run worse. It can help with some games, but you shouldn't do it unless the game will not work without it. That doesn't mean the game says it wants directx that you should install it. You should only install it if, and only if the directX in Wine is not working right. Microsoft DirectX graphics provides a set of APIs that you can use to create games and other high-performance multimedia apps. DirectX graphics includes support for high-performance 2-D and 3-D graphics. Build high-performance 2D and 3D games in DirectX to run on a variety of devices in the Windows family, including desktops, tablets, and phones. Visual Studio offers a great set of tools for developing DirectX games, from writing shader code and designing assets, to debugging and profiling graphics—all in the same familiar Visual Studio IDE.

In this section

Microsoft Vs Apple

Getting Started with DirectX graphicsMicrosoft DirectX graphics provides a set of APIs that you can use to create games and other high-performance multimedia apps. DirectX graphics includes support for high-performance 2-D and 3-D graphics.
Programming DirectX with COMThe Microsoft Component Object Model (COM) is an object-oriented programming model used by several technologies, including the bulk of the DirectX API surface.
Direct2DDirect2D is a hardware-accelerated, immediate-mode, 2-D graphics API that provides high performance and high-quality rendering for 2-D geometry, bitmaps, and text.
Direct3DDirect3D enables you to create 3-D graphics for games and scientific apps.
DXCoreDXCore is an adapter enumeration API for graphics and compute devices, so some of its facilities overlap with those of DXGI.
DirectWriteDirectWrite supports high-quality text rendering, resolution-independent outline fonts, and full Unicode text and layouts.
DirectXMathDirectXMath provides an optimal and portable interface for arithmetic and linear algebra operations on single-precision floating-point vectors (2D, 3D, and 4D) or matrices (3×3 and 4×4).
windowsnumerics.h APIsThe windowsnumerics.h header file defines C++ vector and matrix types in the Windows.Foundation.Numerics namespace.
Classic DirectX GraphicsMicrosoft DirectX graphics technologies that are currently minimally used. We do not recommend using these classic DirectX graphics technologies for new apps.
Tools for DirectX GraphicsDescribes tools for DirectX Graphics.
DirectX Graphics ArticlesContains technical articles for DirectX Graphics.
XAudio2 APIsProvides a signal processing and mixing foundation for games. XAudio2 replaces DirectSound.
XInput game controller APIsDescribes how to use the XInput API to interact with the Xbox 360 Controller when it is connected to a Windows computer. XInput replaces DirectInput.

Directx In Microsoft Vs Mac Pro

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