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But Azure CLI is not PowerShell and so it lacks some features I really appreciate. Azure CLI after executing the azure vm list command. Today I’m gonna show you the best of two worlds – how to manage your Azure environments using a Mac with Azure PowerShell cmdlets on. 2019-11-19  Azure Login failed for user? Ask Question Asked 6 years, 9 months ago. If it does work, open up Management Studio and connect to your SQL Azure db, using Stefan. Then use this Microsoft guide to troubleshoot: Managing Databases and Logins in Windows Azure SQL Database. 2020-3-15  Azure SQL Database “Login failed for user” in application, but works fine in SSMS. Ask Question. I also added this user to the data writer and reader roles. “login failed for user ” on SQL Azure from azure hosted web application. Feb 06, 2019 I’m typing this on a Mac right now (in Azure Data Studio, no less) and it even maps the keyboard to a Mac-like paradigm. You can also run an add-on to map the keyboard to SSMS. On each platform, when you start Azure Data Studio, it checks itself and all your extensions and gives you the option to update them, regardless of your platform.


This article describes some common issues and errors that Azure Database Migration Service users can come across. The article also includes information about how to resolve these issues and errors. Buy microsoft access for mac.

Migration activity in queued state

When you create new activities in an Azure Database Migration Service project, the activities remain in a queued state.

This issue happens when the Azure Database Migration Service instance has reached maximum capacity for ongoing tasks that concurrently run. Any new activity is queued until the capacity becomes available.Validate the Data Migration Service instance has running activities across projects. You can continue to create new activities that automatically get added to the queue for execution. As soon as any of the existing running activities complete, the next queued activity starts running and the status changes to running state automatically. You don't need to take any additional action to start migration of queued activity.

Max number of databases selected for migration

The following error occurs when creating an activity for a database migration project for moving to Azure SQL Database or an Azure SQL Database managed instance:

  • Error: Migration settings validation error', 'errorDetail':'More than max number '4' objects of 'Databases' has been selected for migration.'
This error displays when you've selected more than four databases for a single migration activity. At present, each migration activity is limited to four databases.Select four or fewer databases per migration activity. If you need to migrate more than four databases in parallel, provision another instance of Azure Database Migration Service. Currently, each subscription supports up to two Azure Database Migration Service instances.

Errors for MySQL migration to Azure MySQL with recovery failures

When you migrate from MySQL to Azure Database for MySQL using Azure Database Migration Service, the migration activity fails with the following error:

  • Error: Database migration error - Task 'TaskID' was suspended due to [n] successive recovery failures.
This error may occur when the user doing the migration is missing ReplicationAdmin role and/or privileges of REPLICATION CLIENT, REPLICATION REPLICA, and SUPER (versions earlier than MySQL 5.6.6).
Make sure the pre-requisite privileges for the user account are configured accurately on the Azure Database for MySQL instance. For example, the following steps can be followed to create a user named 'migrateuser' with required privileges:
1. CREATE USER migrateuser@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'secret';
2. Grant all privileges on db_name.* to 'migrateuser'@'%' identified by 'secret'; // repeat this step to grant access on more databases
3. Grant replication slave on . to 'migrateuser'@'%' identified by 'secret';
4. Grant replication client on . to 'migrateuser'@'%' identified by 'secret';
5. Flush privileges;

Error when attempting to stop Azure Database Migration Service

You receive following error when stopping the Azure Database Migration Service instance:

  • Error: Service failed to Stop. Error: {'error':{'code':'InvalidRequest','message':'One or more activities are currently running. To stop the service, wait until the activities have completed or stop those activities manually and try again.'}}
This error displays when the service instance you're attempting to stop includes activities that are still running or present in migration projects.
Ensure that there are no activities running in the instance of Azure Database Migration Service you're trying to stop. You may also delete the activities or projects before attempting to stop the service. The following steps illustrate how to remove projects to clean up the migration service instance by deleting all running tasks:
1. Install-Module -Name AzureRM.DataMigration
2. Login-AzureRmAccount
3. Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionName '<subName>'
4. Remove-AzureRmDataMigrationProject -Name <projectName> -ResourceGroupName <rgName> -ServiceName <serviceName> -DeleteRunningTask

Error when attempting to start Azure Database Migration Service

You receive following error when starting the Azure Database Migration Service instance:

  • Error: Service fails to Start. Error: {'errorDetail':'The service failed to start, please contact Microsoft support'}
This error displays when the previous instance failed internally. This error occurs rarely, and the engineering team is aware of it.
Delete the instance of the service that you cannot start, and then provision new one to replace it.

Error restoring database while migrating SQL to Azure SQL DB managed instance

When you perform an online migration from SQL Server to an Azure SQL Database managed instance, the cutover fails with following error:

  • Error: Restore Operation failed for operation Id 'operationId'. Code 'AuthorizationFailed', Message 'The client 'clientId' with object id 'objectId' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Sql/locations/managedDatabaseRestoreAzureAsyncOperation/read' over scope '/subscriptions/subscriptionId'.'.
This error indicates the application principal being used for online migration from SQL Server to an Azure SQL Database managed instance doesn't have contribute permission on the subscription. Certain API calls with Managed Instance at present require this permission on subscription for the restore operation.
Use the Get-AzureADServicePrincipal PowerShell cmdlet with -ObjectId available from the error message to list the display name of the application ID being used.
Validate the permissions to this application and ensure it has the contributor role at the subscription level.
The Azure Database Migration Service Engineering Team is working to restrict the required access from current contribute role on subscription. If you have a business requirement that doesn't allow use of contribute role, contact Azure support for additional help.

Error when deleting NIC associated with Azure Database Migration Service

When you try to delete a Network Interface Card associated with Azure Database Migration Service, the deletion attempt fails with this error:

  • Error: Cannot delete the NIC associated to Azure Database Migration Service due to the DMS service utilizing the NIC
This issue happens when the Azure Database Migration Service instance may still be present and consuming the NIC.
To delete this NIC, delete the DMS service instance that automatically deletes the NIC used by the service.
Important: Make sure the Azure Database Migration Service instance being deleted has no running activities.
After all the projects and activities associated to the Azure Database Migration Service instance are deleted, you can delete the service instance. The NIC used by the service instance is automatically cleaned as part of service deletion.

Connection error when using ExpressRoute

When you try to connect to source in the Azure Database Migration service project wizard, the connection fails after prolonged timeout if source is using ExpressRoute for connectivity.

When using ExpressRoute, Azure Database Migration Service requires provisioning three service endpoints on the Virtual Network subnet associated with the service:
-- Service Bus endpoint
-- Storage endpoint
-- Target database endpoint (e.g. SQL endpoint, Cosmos DB endpoint)
Enable the required service endpoints for ExpressRoute connectivity between source and Azure Database Migration Service.

Lock wait timeout error when migrating a MySQL database to Azure DB for MySQL

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When you migrate a MySQL database to an Azure Database for MySQL instance via Azure Database Migration Service, the migration fails with following lock wait timeout error:

  • Error: Database migration error - Failed to load file - Failed to start load process for file 'n' RetCode: SQL_ERROR SqlState: HY000 NativeError: 1205 Message: [MySQL][ODBC Driver][mysqld] Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
This error occurs when migration fails because of the lock wait timeout during migration.Consider increasing the value of server parameter 'innodb_lock_wait_timeout'. The highest allowed value is 1073741824.

Error connecting to source SQL Server when using dynamic port or named instance

When you try to connect Azure Database Migration Service to SQL Server source that runs on either named instance or a dynamic port, the connection fails with this error:

  • Error: -1 - SQL connection failed. A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)
This issue happens when the source SQL Server instance that Azure Database Migration Service tries to connect to either has a dynamic port or is using a named instance. The SQL Server Browser service listens to UDP port 1434 for incoming connections to a named instance or when using a dynamic port. The dynamic port may change each time SQL Server service restarts. You can check the dynamic port assigned to an instance via network configuration in SQL Server Configuration Manager.
Verify that Azure Database Migration Service can connect to the source SQL Server Browser service on UDP port 1434 and the SQL Server instance through the dynamically assigned TCP port as applicable.

Additional known issues

Next steps

  • View the article Azure Database Migration Service PowerShell.
  • View the article How to configure server parameters in Azure Database for MySQL by using the Azure portal.
  • View the article Overview of prerequisites for using Azure Database Migration Service.
  • See the FAQ about using Azure Database Migration Service.

Azure Data Studio runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Download and install the latest release:


If you're updating from SQL Operations Studio and want to keep your settings, keyboard shortcuts, or code snippets, see Move user settings.

PlatformDownloadRelease dateVersion
WindowsUser Installer (recommended)
System Installer
March 18, 20201.16.0
macOS.zipMarch 18, 20201.16.0
March 18, 20201.16.0

For details about the latest release, see the release notes.

Get Azure Data Studio for Windows

This release of Azure Data Studio includes a standard Windows installer experience, and a .zip file.

The user installer is recommended because it does not require administrator privileges, which simplifies both installs and upgrades. The user installer does not require Administrator privileges as the location is under your user Local AppData (LOCALAPPDATA) folder. The user installer also provides a smoother background update experience. For more information, see User setup for Windows.

User Installer (recommended)

  1. Download and run the Azure Data Studio user installer for Windows.
  2. Start the Azure Data Studio app.

System Installer

  1. Download and run the Azure Data Studio system installer for Windows.
  2. Start the Azure Data Studio app.

.zip file

  1. Download Azure Data Studio .zip for Windows.
  2. Browse to the downloaded file and extract it.
  3. Run azuredatastudio-windowsazuredatastudio.exe

Get Azure Data Studio for macOS

  1. Download Azure Data Studio for macOS.
  2. To expand the contents of the zip, double-click it.
  3. To make Azure Data Studio available in the Launchpad, drag Azure Data to the Applications folder.

Get Azure Data Studio for Linux

  1. Download Azure Data Studio for Linux by using one of the installers or the tar.gz archive:

  2. To extract the file and launch Azure Data Studio, open a new Terminal window and type the following commands:

    Debian Installation:

    rpm Installation:

    tar.gz Installation:


    On Debian, Redhat, and Ubuntu, you may have missing dependencies. Use the following commands to install these dependencies depending on your version of Linux:




Download Insiders build of Azure Data Studio

In general, users should download the stable release of Azure Data Studio above. However, if you want to try out our beta features and give us feedback, you can download an Insiders build of Azure Data Studio.

Uninstall Azure Data Studio

If you installed Azure Data Studio using the Windows installer, then uninstall the same way you remove any Windows application.

If you installed Azure Data Studio with a .zip or other archive, then simply delete the files.

Supported Operating Systems

Azure Data Studio runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux, and is supported on the following platforms:


  • Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • Windows 8.1 (64-bit)
  • Windows 8 (64-bit)
  • Windows 7 (SP1) (64-bit) - Requires KB2533623
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit)
  • Windows Server 2012 (64-bit)
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)


  • macOS 10.15 Catalina
  • macOS 10.14 Mojave
  • macOS 10.13 High Sierra
  • macOS 10.12 Sierra


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server v12 SP2
  • Ubuntu 16.04

Recommended System Requirements

CPU CoresMemory/RAM
Recommended48 GB
Minimum24 GB

Check for updates

To check for latest updates, click the gear icon on the bottom left of the window and click Check for Updates

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Supported SQL offerings

  • This version of Azure Data Studio works with all supported versions of SQL Server 2014 - SQL Server 2019 (15.x) and provides support for working with the latest cloud features in Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse. Azure Data Studio also provides preview support for Azure SQL Managed Instance.

Upgrade from SQL Operations Studio

If you are still using SQL Operations Studio, you need to upgrade to Azure Data Studio. SQL Operations Studio was the preview name and preview version of Azure Data Studio. In September 2018, we changed the name to Azure Data Studio and released the General Availability (GA) version. Because SQL Operations Studio is no longer being updated or supported, we ask all SQL Operations Studio users to download the latest version of Azure Data Studio to get the latest features, security updates, and fixes.

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When upgrading from the old preview to the latest Azure Data Studio, you will lose your current settings and extensions. To move your settings, follow the instructions in the following Move user settings section:

Move user settings

If you want to move your custom settings, keyboard shortcuts, or code snippets, follow the steps below. This is important to do if you are upgrading from SQL Operations Studio version to Azure Data Studio.


If you already have Azure Data Studio, or you've never installed or customized SQL Operations Studio, then you can ignore this section.

  1. Open Settings by clicking the gear on the bottom left and clicking Settings.

  2. Right-click the User Settings tab on top and click Reveal in Explorer

  3. Copy all files in this folder and save in an easy to find location on your local drive, like your Documents folder.

  4. In your new version of Azure Data Studio, follow steps 1-2, then for step 3 paste the contents you saved into the folder. You can also manually copy over the settings, keybindings, or snippets in their respective locations.

  5. If overriding an existing installation, delete the old install directory before installation to avoid errors connecting to your Azure account for the resource explorer.

Next Steps

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